Best Story 2018 full torrent download

Best Story 2018

The Best StoryThe film is a collection of short stories that focuses on different people and the lessons they learn in their lives. The first story is worth Chen Zhu Yao loser who wants to kill a man named Darren, so that will change his fate. The second is a story by pessimistic screenwriter Juan Sney Venney, who gets the help of an optimistic girlfriend in Los Angeles to complete his screenplay. On the third floorKang Jing returns home for a funeral, but her sister does not like her since she left home for many years. To keep paranormalnymmerapryemstvy furthermore in their house and hidden secret, it will appear in the end.

Language: Mandarin

Translations: English / Malay / Chinese

Classification: P13

General Date of publication: 18 January 2018

Genre: Comedy / Thriller / Thriller

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

Dealer: Megapixel distribution Sdn Bhd

Actor:Jack Lim Jack Jack, Eric Lin, Jan Chan, Wayne Kai, Jane Ng

Director: Teddy Chin, JY Tan, Eden Van

Format: 2D

Best Story 2018

13 4 Torrent rating

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