Binding Souls 2017 720p utorrent Free Movie Torrent

Binding Souls 2017

Binding Souls For their work, students explore the history of the five specialized universities, which have ever been used as a Japanese military laboratory during World War II. Over the years, there were countless terrible urban legendyByli among university students and faculty. The main university, Mr. Law and one of the teachers, Miss Fong show a group of students around the college. When you get a College Museum, it’s excited at the front of the documents that they will need in their lessons. Wśródarchiwa,Former Shajara Smith student, which lists each of the unusual events occurred in the college, including the loss of the student’s secret.

Language: Mandarin / Cantonese

Other, AND

General Release Date: September 14, 2017

Type: Horror

Duration: brakdostępny

Distributor: RAM Entertainment

Star: Kara Hui, Carlos Chan, Angie noise, Janelle Sing

Directed by Chen Pang Chun

Format: P2

Binding Souls 2017

29 1 Torrent rating

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