Adblock Plus is a Firefox add-on that allows you to block ads on web pages.
If you are Firefox, Adblock Plus is a small, discreet program that is located in the top right corner of the navigation bar. By clicking on the red screen znachkaspis things you can throw on the page, a drop-down is an overview of more features and configuration options.
To make Adblock Plus work, you need to choose Adblock Filter. There is VelikeUputstva for choosing the right websiteOf the program, so do not worry about it too much. If you did not want to write on the list, you can select the ad group.
Adblock Plus works by identifying the advertisement on a webpage and is completely blocked. There is a risk that Adblock Plusvypadkova does not block anything that does not really advertise, but in our tests it did not happen.
Even if Adblock Plus blokiraLegitimni building, the website provides information on what to do – in fact, it provides information about almost every aspect program.
LookingTo the internet without advertising is very strange experience – you can even think that some of your favorite pages look a bit empty!
Imaginative brotherhood? Then Adblock Plus is determined for you.
Dabavlenaybrazilskiya transfers Portugal.
Goods decreased delay when you open a new browser window.
Correct: The Memory Memory Tabs Flash and Java in some rare cases.
Fix: If you will be assigned malyunkaprazlist with itemsWhich can block the neon border is not visible.
Fixed incorrect sentence in the filter composer (Optional Lens Filter $ subsubscribe not invalid).
Fiked: unwanted updates padganyayuchyZablyakavanyya list stavkiAko extension installed type VerticalTabs (bug 23890).
Fix: Statistics filters are not restored to Firefox 4 if the search history is deleted when the browser is closed (forum topic).
Fiked: Blocked elementyi context menu did not work well in Firefox and SeaMonkei(Bug 23890).
Fiked: Bogus Text text on the label next to the “recommendations on Facebook” is.
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