WeChat is a free service exchange popular messaging available on the PC, and Windows Mobile are now. The desktop version allows you to chat and share files just as you can on the mobile versions.
Contacting your mobile account
To use WeChat, you need to registerfor an account with your mobile phone. The Windows version will accompany the mobile prykladannya.Dlya registration, you will have to download the app for your mobile device, enter your phone number and then enter dilysucod you sent.
Provides accessto yourcontacts application allows you to see who is already using WeChat. To use a version of Windows, you must open the mobile app, and makes a picture of the QR code that appears on the screen. Once it has done. WeChat to open the window, look and feel as well as yamuadnosnamobile.
Functional basic chat application
With WeChat, you can chat with your contacts via your desktop, and get notified when rhywunyn contact you. , You can also send files. file transfer may be more useful on Windows, than on mobiledevices(Especially if you are a user of the firmware), so you can send any file that you want by using WeChat.
WeChatdavoli simple. In addition to text chat and file transfer, you can also send screenshots, and emoticons. Screenshot tool well, to negotiate aroundwindows automatically mouseover. Where WeChat keep up with the other applications, such as Skype or Facebook Messenger is diffygfideo or voice chat.
Stay connected with your phone
WeChat for the Windows, a useful addition to mobile applications, butnote that you can not useit, not counting mobile phone. Nevertheless, it is useful if you want to stay in touch, in spite of your phone!
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