DS3 tool can PlayStation SIXAXIS or DualShock 3 controllers include on your machines Windows. It supports connecting via USB and Bluetooth, and you can connect up to four gamepads.
Easy kuanzishaKuanzisha your controller is simple. After launching the DS3 Tool will need to connect a PC gamepad (alsothe easiest way to get the controller to pair a Bluetooth connection), and then control button to activate the test compound is carried out yake.Kwa kunabutton vibration test Quickly kliekDit must be seen to vibrate on the road – make sure everything is working. After installation, you can usethe controller in any game, you have the official Microsoft controller.
Unfortunately kubuniKwa DS3 Tool cluttered interface is unstructured and very bloated. With nothing really to do it together, you get the feeling that every time a developer to think of something they want,to add this collection only without a second thought to the lack of unity usability.hii inaongozana vnutriinterfeys, making it difficult to navigate less tech savvy users. Although I’m not complaining, DS3 Tool is a freeware program fills a much needed gap in the market.
Softwareproviding functional management console interface and some questions walaKunaweza annoying banners, but the DS3 tool smoothly and let those who prefer the PlayStation 3 controllers to use it on your computer easily.
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