WhatsApp long before the web came into the market, Telegram now offer desktop versions of messages focused on security applications. Perhaps light on features compared with the likes of Skype, but still ahead of WhatsApp, which is not yet merilisdesktop client (as the founders wanted to show).
Telegrams were sent from any device
To start using Telegram Desktop now need to register for an account on Android, iOS or Windows Telefonstan. After information AndamemverifikasiLoThrough the mobile application that is ready to start talking.
This application allows you to easily message on their mobile phone contacts, send an unlimited number of audio files and video (in batches if you choose) and masukkanemosi and stickers of famous world leaders, including Gandhi. Telegram Desktop also integrates with other social networking services (such as YouTube, Twitter and Instagram) shows comments from any of its content has been shared in the apartment, as well asdoing everything InstagramatauTwitter press mention in this review. However, voice calls and video are not available at the moment.
While the phone is automatically synchronized with the desktop version, you can also search for more people through your User name. pengaturannotifikasi can be edited for each contact – to be able to effectively change many friends Send emails!
One of the benefits of the resource telegramanegovata chat. Unlike othermessaging applications, TelegramAndater more than one administrator. Administrators can change the image and the name of the group, and add or delete members. The service also lets you create groups of more than 1,000 people!
Priority speed and reliability
keamananIni always been an important point of differentiation Telegram and was no different from the desktop version. The encrypted messages in the cloud, but there was a private conversation (for self-destruction, is not stored on the server of the company,and can be sent) options for the desktop version. dihalacceso of desktop security client telegram Desktop includes two-factor authentication so that it can establish additional measures to prevent logins unauthorized. Program also can be seen everywhere / device to sign individual sessions danmenghentikan.
With WhatsApp after it was acquired by Facebook, there are concerns about soshto happen with user data, where Telegram expect the state of promisedatapengguna never sell.
velocidadeoutro most important point for the telegram. Sending a series of ten photographs happen immediately, while the audio and video are also very quick to send and send.
While the mobile version desktopmungkin less presents his brothers (secret conversations, voice messaging and group chat), it is still a good service message. Synchronize email perfect device and once you see the message on a device, be markedread on the other side, which means you have to deal with some notifications.
WhatsApp mean?
Telegram is a credible alternative to WhatsApp, especially considering that you still have a desktop client. Privacy and security are key to day inipengguna Telegram built a solid place for itself in the market. desktop client does not seem quite as Viber and Skype, but if speed and security you’re after, this is the application for you.
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