There is a new browser Chrome from the Russian giant search engine Yandex is based. It offers the same pure simplicity as Google Chrome, with small differences.
Similarities with Chrome are more obvious than differences. There is the same combined search and address bar, and the general look is the same.
WhenOpen a new tab, however, a drop-down panel displays with the suggested or most visited pages. This can be easily edited. If you are in the search bar eingibstWie proposed addresses, you can select oneof the four search engines. In addition to the search bar, there is also a button that willTakes you to the Russian Yandex home.
Generally, it’s quick and easy to use, but there’s little reason to recommend it to Chrome or other Chrome-based browsers if you use Yandexs search and email services. If it develops more than its own personality and characteristics,May be a serious alternative browser.
As an official YandexProdukt, some success is guaranteed. Outside Russia will improve if links to the Russian Yandexwebsite are beyond the boundaries of one.
Built with chrome is a solid Browser that looks fashionable and easy to use. It is ideal for people,Who use Yandex services.
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